my 2019, His way

Sometimes the world and the society convinces me that I’m wrong for the way I think, for the way I believe in things, for the way I love. There are days when these comments fill up my head making me feel disappointed with myself. I start pointing out flaws in myself and eventually get depressed and anxious about my entire existence. I begin overthinking. I begin doing things that I wouldn’t normally do to please others. I begin hating myself. I begin feeling as though I’m living a ‘wrong’ life. These opinions of the people and the society start messing with my thoughts and my faith. However, I try to remind myself that- this is MY life. I am not supposed to follow others’ path or others’ way of living. It doesn’t matter if I don’t have determined goals. It doesn’t matter if I fail to make everyone like me. It isn’t necessary for me to fulfill others’ desires. It doesn’t matter if my definition of a happy life is different than others. It doesn’t matter if I am better or worse than my peers. 
2018 was one hell of a ride for me. I struggled with anxiety and depression at a very deep level. But as I gave it a long thought about why it happened was because I was too engrossed in pleasing people, in doing what they thought was ‘right’ for me and my future. I didn’t know when and how to walk away from things that no longer bring me peace. I tried to figure out my life instead of trusting Him who has already done it for me. 

This 2019, I am letting go of all the expectations, all the societal ideologies and all other things that mentally stress me out. I am giving all my problems to Him. I will try to be like Him everyday. I will try to love like Him everyday. I will try to make Him feel proud of me everyday by being good to others as well as myself. I would always remind myself of this Proverb 3:5 “She will trust in the Lord with all her heart and lean not on her own understanding.” And finally I will do things that make me genuinely happy and see myself the way He does because that is a way which would bring Him close to me. 


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