The unique art of expressing love

There is something about the world we live in that constantly piles up expectations and fantasies of how things should be. You go on social media and see all those people who are loved so utterly and you sit there thinking I am not loved the same way. See, all your relationships are different in their own way because the person you hold that bond with is unique. Maybe he or she does not buy you all those teddy bears, Candys, expensive gifts and a Gucci bag but that does not illustrate that person’s feeling about you. 
See the thing is, different people express their love differently. And that does not make them any less worthy of your affection. Love the person they are, not the one you expect them to be. Understand that there are people out there who appreciate genuine good memories over materialistic things. On the flip side, there are people who just give out gifts and spend money on you to show you their feelings. There are even people who go out of their way to give you love. And then, there are people like me, non-expressive. I mean, not like we don’t express anything at all but we have a special way of doing it. We wont necessarily do huge things or buy expensive gifts, but if you look at the small things and the little moments we share with our loved ones, we give it our all. We show you our feelings by comforting and understanding you at all times. But the problem is, we get misunderstood quite often. People point it out to me that I don’t really show affection or I am not grateful. This is just how I am. I just have a different way of showing love. And you don’t have to change yourself just because it would make it easier for people to understand you. 

So what I mean is everybody loves differently even your family and friends. Look at the little things they do everyday and embrace their different way of showing affection. Genuine love has a tendency of coming around. So, no matter how different your way of loving is, people will understand it by your beautiful little gestures. Whatever the way might be, appreciate their efforts. 


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