To all the girls who stand out,

It hurts to see so many beautiful girls struggling with their body image. It's not your fault. It is completely alright if you don’t look like others. You don’t need to be super skinny. You don’t have to comply with their idea of being attractive. You’re too beautiful in your own way to ever let anyone tell you that your body is not perfect. You don’t need to wear those black leggings to make your legs look skinny. You don’t have to have that perfect bikini body. Don’t ever let anyone body-shame you. If you let them insult you once, they will do it again. Stand up for yourself. 
The same God that made the mountains, the oceans, the flora, and fauna, also created you. You were created in His mind. How can you ever think you are not beautiful? You don’t have to be fit in. You are too unique for that. Don’t let people’s opinions validate you. You’re fierce and you don’t need people to keep reminding you of what a magnificent masterpiece you are.
I was also insecure about my height at the beginning of my junior year in high school. I’m just like really tall among my friends so I would literally slouch just to look a little shorter. It just felt weird to be so tall especially among my group of friends. But gradually, I realized these things that I have and people don’t, are actually my greatest strengths. They make me stand out from the crowd, they make me realize that I am unique and I have grown to be much more confident with it now.
Also, recently, I started getting acne and pimple on my face. So like all my friends and even my family came around and asked me why was my skin degrading. I just felt so insecure. I still do but I refuse to let it depress me. It's just a phase. It will be alright. I can’t let my imperfections stop me from living my best life. And the amount of acne on my face, the amount of fat under the skin, these things are not me. I am much more than imperfections and so you are. 
See, the thing is you don’t have to try to fit yourself into their molds. I know its difficult hearing criticism. I also understand there are people who would make fun of you because of your body but don’t let their comments get to you. If someone insults you, slam back with a comeback. Show them who they are talking to. 

It's your life. You cant let a bunch of people ruin it. The only thing that matters is the Lord loves you. You don’t need anyone else. He thinks you are beautiful and that's the only thing that matters. 


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