Don't let them break you apart

Why do we keep holding onto people who hurt us over and over again? They love and care about us and so do we but still they keep tearing our hearts apart by the little things they do everyday. I understand they might be important but why do we keep giving them the power to break us apart? The problem is we grow so attached to some people that we start depending on them. We feel like our world revolves around them . We go to extents just to keep them close. And its not wrong to have such close relationships. Note that by relationships, I mean not just the boyfriend-girlfriend relationship but your relationship with your friends or family, etc. However, relationships should not be so intense that you start losing yourself in order to pursue them. That is toxic.
You need to let go of the rose if its branch makes your fingers bleed. Just because its beautiful does not mean you have to tolerate the pain of getting stabbed by its thorns. There are plenty of alternatives to this rose. Remember no matter how close you are with that person, he or she does not have the right to hurt you over and over.  You don’t have to tolerate their hurtful actions. Know when to step up and to step down. Your relationships should make you feel better. And remember its not wrong to let go of what is hurting you. It takes courage to do that but when you do, you’ll learn how to live by yourself and that makes you invincible. Choose people who choose you. And when you do this, don’t go back to what broke you. 
We let people hurt us because somewhere we still have the hope that no matter what they are doing, they do care for us and this may be true but will you let someone stab you just because you love them? See, what’s wrong is wrong. Don’t let them nag you and comment on your insecurities just because its part of their “having fun”. Don’t let your tears flow for someone who’s not worth it. Stop defending them and take stand for yourself. Start letting go of people that break you. You’re not wrong for doing that. Standing up for yourself does not make you selfish, it makes you brave and independent. Start thinking a little more about yourself and a lot less about them.

Life is too short to be spent with toxic people anyways.


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