Old souls in the new generation

Growing up, we are expected to look a certain way, behave a certain way and even live a certain way. These expectations from the society are one of the root causes of mental illness. We are told to take the same path in our lives. Study, get good grades, top in our classes, get into a renowned university, get the degree, get a job, get married, have kids, and then die. 
Its not wrong to take this path or go with the flow but its wrong to live your life just because it fulfils people’s expectations. 
Your life is your story so there is no wrong or right way. Our society instils this in our minds that you having unrecognisable jobs is wrong, you not maintaining that 4.0 GPA is wrong, you living a different way is wrong.  When in fact, these things are the things the society wants you to do. You try to find happiness from fulfilling these expectations but the only way to find happiness is doing what you are really passionate about even though it does not fit the mould that the society crafts for us. The society looks down on careers that aren’t renowned but this should not stop you from pursuing it if you really love it. 
Due to these expectations of the society, you feel depressed and worthless when you cannot fulfil them. It should not be this way. It is completely alright to take a path that you believe in even if it does not fit the standards of the society. It is okay to look different than others. It is okay if you don’t have that perfect slim body and a clear facial skin. It is okay to live your life in your own way. Don’t let the society decide the way you live. We are humans, we are supposed to be different. Lets stop trying to follow others and appreciate our diversity. 

Because in the end, the endangered animals are valued more than the ones you see everywhere. 


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