Know your worth

Loving yourself makes you so much more powerful in this world. However, to love yourself, you first need to know what you are worth. Don’t think you’re inferior just because you don’t have the things that some people do.They don’t validate you, He does. Don’t give away this power to someone who does not value you. 
Stop saying yes when you really want to say no. It does not make you rude. Disappointing others is better than making yourself suffer. Respect your time and talent.Stop holding onto people that discourage you, make you feel worthless and inferior no matter how close they are. You don’t need to ignite a fight or confront them with an argument, just let them go. I know it might be difficult to leave them at once because lets face it, we are all scared of losing people. But you know what, you are better off with them. And when you leave their company, you’ll find your own. 

It will be difficult at first like in my experience, I recently changed my school, I was always used to having these group of friends around me all day not because I was popular but because I didn’t have the self confidence to stand alone in the hallway. I don’t know why I just thought people would judge me if I stand alone there. However, when I changed my school, I had to be there alone sometimes in lunch, in assembly, or even in between classes. Luckily, I made many friends so this didn’t last long but during the first couple of days, I found myself standing alone, walking alone and even sitting alone in the class. It was nerve wracking. But gradually I started to learn enjoying my own company. I am not scared of being alone now. Not completely, but I have improved a lot. This way, I learnt that we don’t NEED people to be happy so why do we keep searching for happiness in them? And honestly, I do have friends that make me feel inferior till date but I am not afraid to just let them go because when I stopped holding onto them, I found other people who truly value me and appreciate my flaws. So what I mean is hell and heaven run parallel. The more time you try surviving through hell, the more you miss out on enjoying heaven. You don’t realise but the day you realise your self worth will be the day you attract things you deserve but if you keep putting up with things that ruin you, you’ll never reach the life you are worth of.


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