When you feel overwhelmed and confused.

You know that feeling when you feel like everything's falling apart, you feel worthless out of nowhere and even the smallest things get to you? even the closest people don't understand it so you can't blame yourself for it. I think this battle with yourself starts when you start focusing on people more than you focus on God.
Let's talk about my story now. I have anxiety. I have had it since the past two years. I struggle with it everyday but I hesitate to talk to someone about it mainly because I am afraid of what people will think about it. I just have this mentality that people will judge me and treat me differently after knowing about my mental illness. And I am sure some of you reading would be able to relate to this. But you know what, I have started a new way that helps me live my life much better. I have started letting go of things that I can't control. And it may be difficult for people like me who overthink every single thing in life but gradually you'll get a hold of it. The more you practice, the better your life becomes. Every time I am faced with any difficulty or any situation that I am not comfortable in, I just remember that we have a God to rely on and He will fight the battle, not me. And trust me, I am not really a religious person and nor am I forcing you to be. Its just He's there and He has promised to protect us and I am sure He will. So I always run to Him when I am in trouble or feel guilty or am overwhelmed. I know some people say that God isn't that "free" of giving you all His time but honestly He cares for us. every single one of us and there is nothing you can do that would make Him stop loving you. I believe He knows us all by name, He has seen all our ups and downs and even been there even though we were not paying attention. it might be difficult to believe in something that you can't see but if you just leave things to Him, He promises to fight all your battles. After all , He is the one who built them. Just leave it up to Him and stop worrying because you worrying about it and having anxiety attacks due to it will not change anything but believing in Him will. Things like mental illness are a little difficult to speak out for, especially when you yourself don't understand what you're feeling but luckily, we have Him who understands us and what we're feeling even though we cannot explain it. Just talk to Him, tell Him you're confused and don't know what's going on. You don't necessarily need to go to a temple or a church or a mosque,etc every time to talk to Him. He's with us 24/7. So, just give Him your problems and ask Him to take away all your anxiety and confusion. He will show you a way even though you don't see one.


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